As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
Detlinde is just plain stupid evil, she’s dumb but so incredibly dumb you’re not worried that she’ll actually pull something off.
Siggy on the other hand is just a giant asshole with no skill in picking up social clues and on top of that he’s in the 2nd highest position of power currently available. Dude doesn’t even realize the only reason nobody has strangled him to death is his position.
Detlinde is just plain stupid evil, she’s dumb but so incredibly dumb you’re not worried that she’ll actually pull something off.
Siggy on the other hand is just a giant asshole with no skill in picking up social clues and on top of that he’s in the 2nd highest position of power currently available. Dude doesn’t even realize the only reason nobody has strangled him to death is his position.