As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
Sigiswald wants power and he was raised in an environment that enables him to behave like a douche. Drewanchel is catching up with Ferdinand’s research in potion making. Adolphine is so unhappy with the marriage that she wishes for the divine intervention.
Hortesia isn’t loyal to her husband nor to royal family. She became a neutral party that just does what is asked of her. She isn’t distrusting of Raublut but she should have been.
PS. Raublut is “Investigating” Rozmynes future willa. He clearly won’t bug all the rooms to eavesdrop on conversations, He doesn’t have access to recording shumils. I am curious what will he do?
Sigiswald wants power and he was raised in an environment that enables him to behave like a douche. Drewanchel is catching up with Ferdinand’s research in potion making. Adolphine is so unhappy with the marriage that she wishes for the divine intervention.
Hortesia isn’t loyal to her husband nor to royal family. She became a neutral party that just does what is asked of her. She isn’t distrusting of Raublut but she should have been.
PS. Raublut is “Investigating” Rozmynes future willa. He clearly won’t bug all the rooms to eavesdrop on conversations, He doesn’t have access to recording shumils. I am curious what will he do?
It being a currently abandoned villa makes me think that it’s being squatted in by someone, or used as a meeting place in secret.