Last weeks thread - 16 Comments

Dungeon Meshi is a well liked manga, and an adaptation by Studio Trigger is now airing. If you haven’t picked this one up, consider joining us. Both for fun and as a way of contributing to activity on Lemmy.

Episodes are available to stream on Netflix.

Last weeks episode ended on quite a cliffhanger, with Laios holding his sisters skull. We now find out how that turns out, with Marcille revealing what she’s really an expert in.

Forbidden magic. The dark arts.

Using an illegal spell, she brings back Falin from nothing but bones, using the flesh of the dragon to fuel the spell.

And so, this arc concludes. With the gang, now joined by Falin, cooking up some goddamn dragon!!

Remember not to spoil anything if you’re a manga reader, but feel free to elaborate on tidbits of lore that may not be coming through in the adaptation.

  • @ludrolA
    43 months ago

    Skull-Bones 205 + Red Dragon Blood ――――>Dark forbidden magic Falin

    Are we sure this is how the alchemical reaction goes? I think there should be something leftover.

      33 months ago

      Speaking of dark forbidden magic, I had no idea that lemmy-flavored markdown could do notation like that. Seems to only render right in lemmy-ui though. None of the mobile clients I tried show it correctly.

    • MentalEdgeOPM
      23 months ago

      It’s really convenient that the dungeon has some kind of magic that keeps souls around.

      Finding the raw materials to trade in for that is what really tripped up the Elric brothers.