The Only Thing I’d Do in a No-Boys-Allowed Game World - vol 1- first half was at least funny. Second half got somewhat serious with tragic backstories etc. etc. and any will to read has left me. MC is unlikabe, unhinged non-delusional character where the world treats him as a good guy. His is total asshat. Worldbuilding is uninteresting. Harem of heroines throws themsefs at MC without any interesting quirks differenting them. Not a fun novel, would not recommend.
The Only Thing I’d Do in a No-Boys-Allowed Game World - vol 1- first half was at least funny. Second half got somewhat serious with tragic backstories etc. etc. and any will to read has left me. MC is unlikabe, unhinged non-delusional character where the world treats him as a good guy. His is total asshat. Worldbuilding is uninteresting. Harem of heroines throws themsefs at MC without any interesting quirks differenting them. Not a fun novel, would not recommend.
P.S. probably misogynic but I wouldn’t know
I was waiting for your review on this one.