I had a day off on Monday so my wetware got confused and thought it’s only Tuesday. That’s why I don’t have anything prepared for the Midweek-Discussion. I call a lazy day and just ask y’all what your favorite “normie book” is. We’ve seen a few already on April 1st but where they your favorite?

I would start with my favorite but I cannot in good conscience tell you about it because it will never get to the last book in the trilogy and letting readers hang is probably somewhere listed in the Geneva Conventions as a war crime. It’s been over a decade and I still made myself depressed again just thinking about it right now, so go on and tell me about your favorites to cheer me up.

  • ludrolA
    9 months ago

    Sadly or gladly I dropped out depending on the viewpoint.

    The professor sometimes got different flow of topics depending on the demand. The three volumes would be covered in my would be engineering degree.