I know it’s going to be hard to decide what to vote on, so I’ll just spoil y’all the nominations for the 2024 Lemmy LightNovel Awards early.
Voting will start on Monday which gives you plenty of time to discuss with, bribe, or outright threaten your fellow Bookworms to vote for your LightNovel of choice.
Without further
I think I will pick up Death March so I could at least with clear conscience tell that Bookworm is the best.
Please do. If it were a character it would be the super comfy and pon onee-san that is always trying to convince everyone that she’s actually an isekai action hero. But she is super unconvincing and everyone is just benevolently smiling at her and nodding along because they like her so much and don’t want to hurt her feelings: “yes, yes. You’re such a hero… now where do you think we should go camping today, sweetie?”