*Notices your federated video service* OwO what’s this?
I should use peertube more often, happy to see some good content being pushed on it
I’m not personally sold on it being up to the task of displacing the big video platforms just yet, but it works well enough for short clips like this.
Oh nice, what’s this?
Watching this video will reveal your IP address to others.
Yeah, not this time chief. Cool looking blanket I guess?
Peertube is hybrid data-from-server and data-from-peers, but the latter is optional. Apparently you can disable it…. somewhere on the page
(but I can’t find where lol), or alternatively turn off WebRTC in your browser, which is the system (?) which peertube and some other p2p services use.If you have p2p off then you’ll only get the normal server-side connection.
Edit: The setting is called Help share videos being played. To find it:
- Without an account: go to “My settings” (bottom left on desktop page, just above “About”) -> “Video settings” section.
- With an account: under your username (top left) go to “My Account” -> “Video settings” section.
If not sharing your public IP is important to you in general and you’re not already using e.g., VPN or Tor, maybe that’s something to consider looking into later!
I’ll choose to ignore this.