Half a year after Yurgenschmidt inaugurated its first underage aub, Hannelore finds herself pressed to choose from a growing list of marriage candidates. Unsure how best to proceed, she turns to her dear friend Rozemyne for guidance.
sneaking suspicion that the new retainers Rozemyne wants to show off, are in fact shumil magic tools
Never thought of that. Though I imagine if Ferdi programmed one of the Shumils to manage Roz’s reading time. On a more practical note, I wonder how much a Shumil can replace retainers as their communication is rather primitive (unless they want to try cramming something like Stenluke into the Shumils).
Never thought of that. Though I imagine if Ferdi programmed one of the Shumils to manage Roz’s reading time. On a more practical note, I wonder how much a Shumil can replace retainers as their communication is rather primitive (unless they want to try cramming something like Stenluke into the Shumils).