Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
We need more violent good guys
The rebels in Myanmar are winning.
There’s a new miracle drug for addictions.
That’s all I can think of.
thank you david
Because they are.
Can I reccomend for you Vlad Vexler on utube. He is a polital philosopher in the UK, whp spends most of his time dealing with this topic. He has some wonderul content which is both educated and humane.
To summarize: democracy is waning, and we have some rough times ahead, but there will be wins mixed in with the losses.
One aspect is that mass media is overall owned by those people and is propaganda. If you don’t have ways of seeing what’s happening on the ground, you miss a lot of the good news. Even your twitter/bs/mastodon feeds won’t give you the full story, you have to (where possible) get involved in a real community organization.
It depends on perspective. If you look at the news, online on new sites or shareable news articles, it seems to rampant. If you avoid the news and look towards your community you’ll be far less likely to believe it. It’s the interconnectedness that leads this but at the same time you aren’t being educated and helping said evil. So it’s there, it’s not a populous as people think but definitely is there. Evil isn’t global, it’s the few. It’s the people outside that you interact with daily that aren’t evil.
Evil is relative
It feels that way to you because China/Russia are winning and you oppose them
The world has been in a gigantic psychological experiment.
Sure does feel that way 😔
Media bias. Trump is outrage and outrage moves views and views are profit. Trump is the greatest thing to happen to the media - regardless of side. We’re also more connected today than we ever were before so this media gets to everyone in an instant.
Are evil people really winning globally more than they were in the past? Well… no. We’ve seen more shit in the second half of the 20th century than we are now. There’s still 25 years to catch up though. Heres some shit thats gone down fro 1950-2000.
- Cold War - though it does seem like we are moving back to this state, we’re far from living like that
- Korean War, Vietnam War, Kuwait,
- Cuban Missile Crisis,
- Basically every Arab nation against Israel - wars galore,
- Suez crisis,
- Iranian revolutions,
- Sino-Soviet Split,
- India-Pakistan,
- Soviet-Afghan war,
- Numerous African civil wars in the 60s, 70s and 90s (till ongoing),
- South African Apartheid,
- Numerous south American dictatorships (+ CIA interventions in south America backing right wing dictators),
- Falklands war - the fucking UK went to war with Argentina in the fucking 80s!
- All the shit in Yugoslavia (wars, genocide),
- “The Troubles” in N. Ireland.
A lot of these have been resolved.
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning, the same group doing the current stuff. Why does a war ending count as becoming less evil if it’s always by the same instigator and they keep winning, jumping from conflict to conflict? Have you considered that the evil keeps winning and suppressing the good through compliance or murder?
What is we compare the most intense 25 years of the 20th to the current 25 and label the instigators?
Virtually all of your examples involve US hegemony instigating and winning
Hmm, I disagree. There are some but I purposely wanted to include the ones where the US was not in change in order to show its been a shitshow everywhere. They obviously had a hand everywhere, since they are considered a superpower but them leading the show every time? That’s a stretch.
Ive also given examples I personally thought were extreme that happened in that century to paint a picture that it’s been pretty bad for a while now and you can draw your own opinion on whether is better now or not. I don’t wish to compare these events to today’s but I can acknowledge they were there and that they were also, pretty fucking bad.
there’s no good or evil. those are constructs that aren’t suitable to describe anything that’s happening
What you’re saying is true, but we must also remember that construction is always slower than destruction. What this means is that slow, steady improvements are not newsworthy - and thus gets no airtime - compared to destruction which happens over night and is thus newsworthy.
So there is also a lot of slow, steady improvements going on in the world that we never hear about. There’s not enough of it, I don’t think, to offset the big evils of greed, climate change, and fake news. But it is there, and we must not forget it.
Capitalism is dying because of unchecked greed and people are turning to socialism. The wealthy choose fascism. Until we have class unity. Once we bring out the guillotines, They will retreat to spending the rest of their lives in the bunkers they have built with their stolen wealth.
people are turning to socialism
Feels like they’re turning more to fascism
I also feel like there is always a constant portion of people who worship power and think they can squeeze a decent life out of siding with the powerful. So if there ever is any war, it definitely won’t be a clear cut class war. And the billionaires will do everything in their power to make sure the war happens within the classes first.
i don’t think it’s so simple as they worship power. i think there’s a very strong inbuilt desire to belong to an “in-group” when you feel insecure and vulnerable
and if unchecked neoliberal capitalism has done anything over the last half century, it’s made average americans feel insecure. financially and emotionally
so sort of the same reason there’s race-based prison gangs is the same reason fascism tends to flare up when the system is going through severe stress. just like when your immune system is weak and the herpes virus manages to break out. we always have fascism possible yet most of the time the immune system is strong enough.
2008 + covid + ukraine + more have left us vulnerable
“Once we bring out the guillotines”
Depends where you live.
I hear the hardcore revolutionary libs in the US have found a much more powerful way to defeat fascism… buy nothing for 1 day.The US has a really serious problem on their hands which is that their trade war won’t achieve anything. The US doesn’t make anything, it famously doesn’t make anything, the only reason that they trade with Canada is because Canada is close. Even then it’s mostly just food stuffs which Canada can make themselves.
But they have virtually nothing to offer internationally hence the trade deficit, that trump is so upset about, in the first place
But they have virtually nothing to offer internationally hence the trade deficit, that trump is so upset about, in the first place
I don’t think it’s fair to say that America makes nothing. A big part of that trade deficit (certainly with Canada) is down to the relative size of the consumer markets - America has a population of over 330 million people to Canada’s 40 million so of course America will be a net importer of Canadian goods.
I want to agree with you but there are plenty of American products I simply cannot purchase here in Norway. Often there isn’t even an equivalent. I’m not saying what they make is good, but there are things made in USA. Walking in to a Norwegian grocery store the first 20 times had me like, ok but where is like the MAIN, BIG grocery store?
When Canadians were going on about boycotting American things there was a question on here, or Reddit I can’t remember which, that was asking other people from other countries if they would do the same.
I remember thinking I can’t think of a single American product that’s even available for purchase for me to boycott. Other than quite possibly Jack Daniels but I already don’t buy that anyway.
I cannot think of any food items, clothing, tech products, or materials that originate in the USA that I would normally buy even semi-regularly.
A surplus of food is grown in the US. When you buy anything processed, it’s extremely hard to tell where all the ingredients came from. “Product of Mexico” could’ve been made with x from portugal, y from california.
Also there’s a good chance some of your gas comes from the states too, as they have been an exporter for a decade thanks to fracking.
Thats what concerns me the most. When the US realizes we dont NEED to trade with them, will they try to take our resources with force instead? This is why we need to build strong international relationships built around the US and their dwindling influence.
If anyone in the Trump administration had a brain they would already realize that they have nothing to offer internationally. It’s not exactly a secret.
Trump thinks that if he puts a tariff on imports from, say China, suddenly a bunch of factories will open up in America outputting the same cheap tat that China used to produce. But of course it doesn’t work like that. Attempting to take resources by force won’t help matters because America’s problem is not actually a lack of resources. It’s a lack of infrastructure and a talent pool so shallow that the ground is barely wet.
We’ve seen this with the chip factories that TSMC is trying to set up.
This is not the goal. Their only goal is wealth and power, just like Putin.
The Christian/Corporate Fascist Theocracies method to achieve wealth and power is to bankrupt the government, privatise all public services and land, remove the threat of democracy, and plunge the people back into feudalism… all while lining their pockets, exactly like the Russian oligarchs did post-USSR.
They do not give two shits about bringing jobs back to America or any of the other virtues they vacuously signal. They’re the kind of people who outsourced everything to China begin with.
And who you going to put on the guillotines? You own! People are getting so blind with anger
Speak for yourself
That’s, ironically, how the white supremacists felt all these years lol
Because now it is affecting you personally. Before it was in the middle east or some random aftican nation where people dont speak english, and media make sure it is not in the front page. Reading some history of any conflict will show the root starting a while back but no one cares.