Understandable choice, given that Skype is pretty much redundant with Teams. Back in 2004-2005 Skype was really hyped because of free voice calls through the Internet, but few days later several other messaging apps incorporated that feature; Skype’s thunder was stolen. Also its inconsistent branding was a problem: there was Skype for Business that later became Lync, ultimately becoming Teams. Skype kind of became forgotten and obsolete.
Excellent stewardship, Microsoft.
The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.
So as I was at work I’d log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.
Then I discovered octoprint.
Skype is dead. Introducing: CoPilot Calls
Seriously though, Skype is a good example of how MS butchers products. I mean, I never loved Skype but it worked and was the defacto video calling platform of the masses. If they had their shit together, even a little bit, then Zoom would never have taken the market. I don’t really like zoom either, but its better than Skype.
You joke but their idea is to migrate all the remaining skype users to Microsoft Teams (consumer edition, incompatible and not interoperable with Teams business edition, they have the exact same icon but with the colors reversed)
It’s the same stuff, but worse™️
CoPilot Calls
Will there be an AI retelling what I said to others on the fly in a TikTok TTS voice?
It’s why we always need competition in all areas, when you are the market leader, you stagnate. Once something better comes around, it’s already too late.
hardly surprising. we talk about enshittification today but Skype was one of the most egregious offenders before the term was even coined, in late-stage Skype (circa 2016-2017) i couldn’t even run the fucking thing without lag because of in-line ads. the user experience was frankly awful, and once you’ve used something like Discord or Zoom there’s just never any reason to go back.
It’s the other way around. Lync, formerly Office Communicator, became Skype for Business which became Teams, not to be confused with Teams, a distinct, non-interoperable product made by the same company. Skype for Business probably took some code from Skype but I’d bet it was mostly about branding and it never had that much in common with the real Skype.
Microsoft killed Skype in 2017 and replaced it with a different thing also called Skype.
Haven’t used Skype since 2005
I may have used Skype for the last time in 2014 or so.
Ah, the Google approach.
I only used Skype for one thing: cheap calls from Canada to international landlines with no time limit and without having to pay a monthly subscription. Can anyone recommend a good alternative? A lot of the options out there look a bit scammy.
I tend to use Signal for international calls.
I don’t think you can call landlines from it though.
Likely so. But even my 78-year-old mom got rid of her landline a few years ago. That’s a niche use case in 2025.
I didn’t even know it was still around. I stopped using it when microsoft bought it.
Can skype credit be used in teams?
Has anyone told the Skype CEO?
Looking back over my long and occasionally successful life, I must admit that I do have a few regrets here and there. One is that for a couple of years, I was a Skype user. Oh well, at least I stayed away from Teams.
I am not sure why but one day every international Skype user I know switched to Viber. I wonder what impact Viber had on Skype.