• @Bookmyner
    47 months ago

    “Stay focused, Rozemyne,” Ferdinand said. “By stealing mana on such a large scale, Georgine has forced Ehrenfest to deploy knights here and in Illgner. Assuming her plan was to weaken the guard around the Noble’s Quarter, she must be close to the city of Ehrenfest or already within its walls.”

    Couldn’t they use a similar technique that Bonifatius used when Rozemyne was in a coma and just spam ordonnanzes at Georgine to find her—perhaps taunting her all the while?

    • @No_Nick_Needed
      7 months ago

      Not a bad idea. Apart from being able to visually track the birds, Bonifatius loud voice could be heard quite far… but I strongly suspect that there are ways to block yourself from Ordonnanzes open to nobles. And even if there aren’t, Georgine is clad in silver cloth, which I am quite confident will block an Ordonnanze’s tracking.