• @ludrolMA
    33 months ago

    Mestionora has shot Rozemyne with spectral arrow and now everyone can see her through the walls.

    So Ferdinand has made some huge moves to exploit Rozemyne’s rampage and got all of Yurgenshmidt under his puppet strings. But really that is just to get some cozy lab to hole into.

    “Did you skip autumn and call winter early without even greeting the supreme gods?” - Do I interpret this correctly that unmarried man is treated as family member? Of course it goes over Rozemyne’s head.

    Hartmut was such crazy truths that got imprisoned as a madman. Hannelore won’t be present on the meeting with Royalty. That’s good as Rozmyne can come up to mimic a chameleon and change her colour somehow.

    • @poltroon
      43 months ago

      “Did you skip autumn and call winter early without even greeting the supreme gods?” - Do I interpret this correctly that unmarried man is treated as family member? Of course it goes over Rozemyne’s head.

      Yes, I interpret it the same way, that they see that he is acting as her spouse and they’re kind of wondering what their relationship is now.

      From my perspective: in the mana replenishment hall, Ferdinand made his decision. Rozemyne hasn’t quite connected the dots as to what she agreed to or the various implications. That regardless of what their relationship looks like personally, that there’s no real way for there to be the outcome she wants where they aren’t married, at least by the norms of this society.

      On the other hand, as a Zent candidate, Aub Ahrensbach, or Avatar of Mestionora, who’s to say she can’t change those norms if she pleases.

      • @No_Nick_Needed
        3 months ago

        I agree that Rozemyne doesn’t realize what she committed herself to… and that Ferdinand is gaslighting her constantly, to the point that she practically can’t refuse their engagement anymore, without massive societal fallout is really scummy. When he uses this talent against enemies, it might be praisworthy, but using it against the person who saved his life, it’s just such a low blow I sometimes find myself wishing that it would all blow up in his face, allowing Rozemyne to find a partner who’s honest with her and doesn’t manipulate her constantly, while Ferdinand spends the rest of his life as a single or gets a wife that is as manipulative and dishonest as himself.

        • @poltroon
          23 months ago

          I feel confident that if it’s not what she wants when the situation becomes apparent to her, she’ll simply bend reality to suit her as she always has. She now holds tremendous power if she chooses to wield it, and in particular is probably the only person now with power over Ferdinand. Lots of ways to solve it when you’re an Aub.

          Thank goodness it seems the Sigiswald path is off the table, that would have been deeply isolating and unfair.

          • @No_Nick_Needed
            3 months ago

            Oh I don’t know about the Sigiswald path. Considering how much she overwhelmed the prince, when she switched to merchant mode, I think she could have gotten quite a lot of the things she wanted from him. And that was before she even had a Grutrissheit. Though amusing as that might have been, I too am glad that’s off the table. ^^

    • @poltroon
      33 months ago

      I kind of love that everyone else is freaked out about her new aura but that Ferdinand didn’t even blink, that we had no idea it had happened until other people were added to the mix.

      • @No_Nick_Needed
        33 months ago

        Gervasio also seemed to barely react, so maybe it has something to do with having seen two literal gods (or one former and one current god at any rate), and/or having a true Grutrissheit, rather than it being solely his stoicism.