• wjs018@ani.socialOPM
    9 months ago

    Very little of Makoto this episode, just doing some employee training with Aqua and Eris. Instead we were mainly following Tomoe and Mio as they each had a meeting with the other heroes summoned to this world. In Mio’s case, she is very slowly learning how to cook figure out what tasting good means. As for Tomoe, her run-in with Tomoki was not as amicable as evidenced by the image I chose for this post. Yes, it is the easy-to-hate Tomoki that becomes even easier to hate as he is a huge asshole to Tomoe and Lime. Honestly, if it weren’t for Lily pulling his strings, I am not sure how much longer Tomoki would be in this world. Then, finally we got an unpleasant appearance of more cream nabe at the end of the episode. Shiki should definitely not be the one to teach Mio what tastes good or not.

    The Aqua and Eris pairing is one of my favorite from the source material. In this adaptation, I am not really feeling it as much. I would have to go back and reread things to see if it was because of cut content, but the humor and chemistry that they bring to things isn’t translating as well for me in the anime. Especially in the manga version, they just steal any scene they are in.

    I think something else that wasn’t as clear from this episode is that Mio singled out Hibiki to help with cooking because she was using words from Japanese cuisine (wakame, dashi, miso) that do not exist in the hyuman cuisine native to this world. So, when Hibiki said wakame when looking at the seaweed, Mio knew that only Hibiki could help her reproduce the flavors and dishes that were in Makoto’s memories.

    Looks like next episode is going to be a bit of reunion of our main characters in the demiplane.

    • NeshuraA
      9 months ago

      Honestly, if it weren’t for Lily pulling his strings, I am not sure how much longer Tomoki would be in this world.

      As we can see this episode, even Lily being there is not helping this asshole. There is only so much you can do to prevent a stuck up douche from getting himself killed and Tomoki is drunk on his cheat abilities, conveniently forgetting that he was stripped of his invulnerability once already. In that group 2 people realized they should not bark up that tree after a very stern warning. The narcissist hero, however, did not and so he proceeded to make everyone’s lives just that little bit worse. What could go wrong by pissing off one of the greater dragons after all.

      The bug and him were truly made for each other.