• No_Nick_Needed
    1 year ago

    Something I hope the books, or at least a fanbook will go into is the Lanzenave Grutrissheit.

    We have learned that the sort of framework for a true Grutrissheit can only come from Mestionora’s statue in the Royal Academy Library, so we can rule out that Tollkühnheit let his successor write a copy of his own bible and that this happened through the generations. So does that mean they lost their Grutrissheit with the second king already, or did Tollkühnheit also make a magic tool version, like Aub Alsenti did for her son?

    If it’s the latter, why does Gervasio even feel the need to get a true Grutrissheit. With how Trauerqual ticks, he could have just rocked up with his magic tool Grutrissheit and Trauerqual would have practically thrown his crown to Gervasio. Did Tollkühnheit implement an anti-theft feature, that prevents the Lanzenave bible from being taken outside of the capital?

    Or did Chiaffredo refuse to give Gervasio their Grutrissheit?

    Or does the book only transfer upon the death of it’s holder, and with Chiaffredo still alive, Gervasio can’t yet get the Lanzenave bible?

    Also what is Gervasio’s plan for the future of the two countries anyway? Does he wish to rule both, or did he return Lanzenave’s crown to Chiaffredo and plans to have the countries seperate, but allied? Or is he so desperate to become Yurgenschmidt’s ruler, because he was driven out of his own home, together with a comparetively small group of loyalists?