As tensions rise over the increasingly important “Zent candidates,” Rozemyne finds herself entangled in the web of royal politics. Thankfully, this also secures her the chance to bargain with one of the princes...
Coinsidering how they raised Wilfried to be a puppet and kept that style of education and manipulation going, even after Veronica was out of the picture… I think his retainers would be delighted just to have Wilfried take on the title - and all the nice priviledges that extends to them - and everything else won’t matter to them. So they’ll pat each other on the backs for what a good job they’ve done… except Lamprecht and Alexis anyway, who will realize the truth and be a whole lot less enthusiastic about the future.
Then again, if the Leisegangs can do a good job of controlling WIlfried, this might not actually be too bad of an arrangement. Certainly a whole lot better than to have Detlinde in charge of anything bigger than a broom closet. ^^
Coinsidering how they raised Wilfried to be a puppet and kept that style of education and manipulation going, even after Veronica was out of the picture… I think his retainers would be delighted just to have Wilfried take on the title - and all the nice priviledges that extends to them - and everything else won’t matter to them. So they’ll pat each other on the backs for what a good job they’ve done… except Lamprecht and Alexis anyway, who will realize the truth and be a whole lot less enthusiastic about the future. Then again, if the Leisegangs can do a good job of controlling WIlfried, this might not actually be too bad of an arrangement. Certainly a whole lot better than to have Detlinde in charge of anything bigger than a broom closet. ^^