• No_Nick_Needed
    1 year ago

    Unless the whole enviroment is only symbolic and this all took place in the same way how the inside of the shrines seems to exist outside of time, she also needs to explain how she got teleported from the Library into the Farthest Hall. Speaking of which, I wonder if Hildebrand has already locked the chapel. Because if he did, Rozemyne will either have to send a rather awkward Ordonnanz, escape through the hole above the tree in Lessy in a reverse of what Ferdinand did, or be stuck there for a week until the mednoble ritual is due.

    • MufinMcFlufin@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Although the way she entered was similar to the shrines, the more you think about it the more differences there are. With the shrines she entered by simply touching the doors compared to giving mana to a magic tool. In the shrines she was compelled to pray and (as evidenced by Eglantine’s time in one shrine) had the mana pulled out of her regardless of if she wanted to give it or not whereas in this area she still has free will and can act on her own. She seems to form the environment she most desires by putting a little mana into the ground, which she did in order to probe her surroundings.

      I always read her time praying in the shrines as her not having been physically moved to a location to pray while time is stopped but rather that being a vision of how she would have subconsciously offered mana to the gods while that mana is suddenly and quickly pulled from her body by contact with the shrine.