• No_Nick_Needed
    11 days ago

    Ah, look at her, collecting suitors like Rozemyne collects books. ^^

    Hmm… I wonder if the students have to call Elgantine professor or zent, when she’s teaching them. Usually professor overrides all other titles during lessons, but does this apply even to zent?

    Elgantine teaches the sixth year and Anastasius the fifth year archduke candidate course… and what about the third and fourth years? Would they be able to get Trauerqual or one of his wives to stand in for that, despite them no longer being royals? I doubt that Nahelache and Sigiswald would be able to help, with them being the only members of their archduke family, bar a 1 year old child. And I doubt they’d want Sigiswald as a professor anyway, though Nahelache as someone who already did one year of teaching the archduke candidate course, would be well suited, if she could help out.

    Or can they put anyone into that position, who finished the course in their academy time? Professor Gundolf would come to mind for that.

    Why is Hildebrand still wearing schtappe sealing bracers? Weren’t they going to make a ring for him, that would do the same thing without standing out? Did his father and mother really not have the leeway to make or order one made in three full seasons?

    I’m glad Hannelore put down Raufereg for calling Wilfried a coward. It’s annoying enough when experienced warriors say it, but this little twirp, who has yet to stand his ground before his first opponent has absolutely no right to call anyone else a coward, especially not someone who not only fought ditter against a duchy many ranks above them (keep in mind that Ehrenfest got it’s rank primarily by their academic performance and new trends and products, while their knights were well below the duchy rank in ditter outcomes, back then), but who fought in a real war. Those knights he was up against might only have been a diversion force, but they still fought to kill.

    If Wilfried wasn’t four years older and had a schtappe, while Raufereg doesn’t, I’d hope for a duel in which Wilfried destroyed the loudmouth, but beating someone four years your junior is hardly a way to rid yourself of accusations of cowardice.

    • Deemo
      11 days ago

      I do wonder if Wilfred still loves Hanelor or if their scenario is more similar to benno an tuli being one sided.

      • No_Nick_Needed
        9 days ago

        Still? The question is, whether he ever loved her to begin with, or if he was just being courteous to someone from a higher ranking duchy and/or a girl with a weak appearance.

  • No_Nick_Needed
    8 days ago

    Oh almost forgot. We did get our answer about whether Ehrenfest kept it’s relative rank - i.e. went down to 10th alongside the other duchies after the insertion of Blumenfeld and Korinthsdaum - or if they kept their absolute 8th place, it’s the latter. That means that they overtook two more duchies and are now the third highest middle duchy, after Korinthsdaum and Hauchletzte, with the rest of the top 7 all being greater duchies, if I’m not mistaken.

    It also means that Gilessenmeyer fell at least 5 ranks, since we know they were the 4th and we also know the current top 8 and they aren’t in it, meaning they are at most on the number 9 spot. Oh well, at least that means they won’t focus all their negative emotions over their loss of rank on Ehrenfest alone, which might be the case for Gaussbuttel, who Ehrenfest also overtook now.