• No_Nick_Needed
    6 days ago

    If I had to make a guess, I’d say it’s more alike to someone being summoned to Erwaermen, either via the statue of Mestionora in the library or from between the statues of the gods in the chapel.

    It certainly doesn’t appear to have the invisibility and time-distortion effect of the large shrines, that left those outside unaware the zent candidate was gone for even a millisecond, which would have been the only other instance, where we’ve seen something roughly alike happen.

    Either way, since a prayer to a goddess caused this, I strongly suspect that a deity received the call and summoned her… but the question is, whether the god or goddess did it out of the kindness of their heart, or if they have a task for a mortal and Hannelore just happened to be the first one to stumble into qualifying.