• No_Nick_Needed
    2 years ago

    I think for the whole Damuel situation, it would probably be best to just have Philine hire him as a guard knight, until she comes of age. At that point they can marry and follow Rozemyne to the Sovereignty.

    With the additional pay Philine gets as the orphanage director, plus the extra funds Rozemyne is funneling to her, she should be able to afford it. And if not, Rozemyne can just increase the amount of money she’s funneling secretly.

    Surely Damuel would be in a far better position to protect Philine and the temple, if he’s the guard knight of the acting orphanage director, rather than if he was a masterless knight, who would surely be expected to devote his time to the knight’s order.

    Either way I hope he can work up the courage to be the one to propose to Philine. I’m sure Philine would be over the moon for it and I think it’d also be better for Damuel’s reputation and more importantly, his battered self-image.