• @belathus
    74 months ago

    Myne’s copy and paste spell demonstrates how it is perfect for this competition.

    Myne kept Ferdinand’s mana colors for quite a while after being dyed. I wonder if she’ll keep the Goddess’s mana colors now? She no longer has mana clumps, but maybe? Does that mean she’ll appear to be more divine to others?

    • NeshuraMA
      54 months ago

      Oh she’ll definitely keep the mana around long enough to kick up some other fuss I’m sure of that. It would be a waste of a mention otherwise. Everyone in the room acknowledging that Myne for all intents and purposes has the Mana of a goddess right now has loaded Chekhov’s gun and put it on the table.

    • @ludrolMA
      34 months ago

      She will definitely be percived that way by her namesworn. I wonder what Hartmut is doing right now.

      • @No_Nick_Needed
        4 months ago

        My bet is on either preaching, or struggling to escape the bounds the others put in him to make him stop. :P

        • NeshuraMA
          54 months ago

          the man must be foaming at the mouth from all the gospel he’s preaching

  • @cocobean
    54 months ago

    “I would rather you remain silent”

    Dayumn telling my girl to stfu like that when she is now literally the avatar of a goddess? Bruh

  • NeshuraMA
    54 months ago

    Myne being baited by books, a classic. But I do wonder, if the possession overwrote some of her core memories how far does that extend? Is she aware of her biological family? Is the feystone issue (temporarily) resolved now? So many questions and at least one week before I get any answers…

    In other news I am interested to find out what dirty tricks Ferdinand has in store for his race with Gervasio.

    • @No_Nick_Needed
      54 months ago

      Not even a literal goddess could get the attention of Rozemyne, once she was engrossed in a book. ^^

      • @Deemo
        34 months ago

        I’m surprised Mesti didn’t try using the shumil attendant to stop Roz reading rampage.

        Roz: Next book please

        Shumil: No Mesti and Ferdi are nagging you to wake up.

        Then again it’s probably not normal to be able to tune out a godess voice

  • @No_Nick_Needed
    4 months ago

    Leonzio’s plan is to obtain schtappes for himself and his allies, so they can re-subjugate Lanzenave… So his plan is to subjugate the place, where anti-magic silver equipment comes from, by obtaining more powerful magic… that will then be rendered impotent by said anti-magical equipment…

    In the meme-words of Tony Stark: Not a good plan. sip drink

    • NeshuraMA
      24 months ago

      The entire time Gervasio was rambling on about them needing mana I was just thinking “How about you don’t try to be royalty then? I’m sure the commoners will leave your head on your shoulders if you rescind your status while they still are at the phase of just being discontent”

  • @ludrolMA
    24 months ago


    Did urano motosu had mana and was transported to yoghurtland as mestionora explained that country is for sheltering humans with mana?

    So myne was sculpted into mestionoras image by Anwachs. The mestionora descended and Myne ascended to distant heights. Truly an Ascendance of a Bookworm.

    So the goddess dyed me…

    Ugh… So perverted. Will it turn out into faux pas or into proof that Rozmyne is avatar of a goddess. (Hartmut will make sure it’s the latter)

  • @No_Nick_Needed
    24 months ago

    I feel like Gervasio would make a poor performance in a competition of words. He wants to convince Ferdinand to stop resisting by saying he wants to abolish a system, that has been gone for more than a decade… In Tony Stark’s words: “Not a good plan.” sip drink

    Too bad the “let’s get schtappes and put those commoners in their place” faction is there. If not for them, Gervasio’s faction would have had a good shot at negotiating their way into Yurgenschmidt. With the current mana shortage, the additional nobles would be a blessing to Yurgenschmidt, even if they are foreigners. And with Gervasio already having been a member of a “royal branch family,” they could have gotten his plentyful mana to help them out in the sovereignty, at least until a true Zent comes along. I know, with all the political manouvering, backstabbing and jostling for position, it’s far from guaranteed that Trauerqual would agree, or more precisely be in a position allowing him to agree, but it’d have been worth a shot for sure.

    So all life is important… that’s why we’ll immediately go to dye the country gates, rather than taking the 15 or so minutes to stop the bloodshed that’s most likely still happening in the auditorum, before starting the race… sigh They just heard it and already don’t heed it. At least Rozemyne has the excuse that her mind is partially scrambled from the divine possession, but the other two deserve a smack over the head.

    • NeshuraMA
      14 months ago

      Well helping put down the commotion would immediately put them at odds for the race. One of them is bound to get out of dealing with that situation a lot faster so both reached the conclusion that immediately working on the transport spell would work better.

      That and I think it’s highly likely Ferdinand thinks Rozemyne will somewhat take care of the mess after she’s done with her gate.